How Much Does It Cost To Pump A Septic Tank?

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One of the number one questions in the septic industry is "How much does it cost to pump a septic tank?"  

There are several factors that go into determining the price of a pump out, such as: location, how much your county charges to dump waste, the size of your septic tank, along with any complications that may come with a standard pumping. If you wait over 3-5 years before having your septic tank pumped, then there could be some complications that add cost onto a basic pumping charge. If you do not know what size your septic tank is, you can typically go off how many bedrooms your home has. If your home has between 1-3 bedrooms it has a 1,000 gallon tank and if it has 4 or more bedrooms it has a 1,500 gallon tank. The exception to this rule is if you have a 3 bedroom home and also have a garbage disposal, then your home will also have a 1,500 gallon tank. 


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Septic Tank Pumping


At Henson Septic Services, we strive to be fair and honest with our pricing to ensure our customers are happy and feel valued. We have listed below a basic price sheet for our pumping services to give you an idea as to how much it cost to pump a septic tank. These prices include locating the tank, digging up the lid, pumping the septic tank, and covering it all back up in a way that will leave the customer satisfied. 

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If you haven’t had your septic system pumped recently or just want some professional advice as to the health of your tank, give Henson Septic Services a call at 1-706-949-1460. We’re also available through email at For expert septic system maintenance, inspection, and repair, we’re the answer for Northeast Georgia homeowners!

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